Documentation by Jie CAI.

Chapter 4. Features of MLP

version OMA-TS-MLP-V3_3-20090302_D

Features :immediate location request/response, emergency location request/response, repeated location report.

Standard Location Immediate Service (SLIS) - A standard service for requesting the location of one or more Mobile Subscribers (MS). It is used when a location response is required immediately. Response can be returned in more than one message if the request contained several different Mobile Subscribers.

Emergency Location Immediate Service (ELIS) - A service for retrieving the position of a mobile subscriber that is involved in (has made) an emergency call or have initiate an emergency service in some other way if the server supports it.

Standard Location Reporting Service (SLRS) - A service which is initiated by MS by sending Mobile Originated Location Request [source 3GPP] through wireless network. It is preformed when a Mobile Subscriber wants an LCS client to receive the MS location.

Emergency Location Reporting Service (ELRS) - A service which is initiated by wireless network when a MS initiates or releases an emergency call, an emergency location report is generated and sent from Location Server to the LCS client (the emergency application ).

Triggered Location Reporting Service (TLRS) - A service which is used when the LCS client wants the postiong of several MSs to be tracked. Reponses will be sent periodically from Location Server or be sent when the MS take actions (like a change of area) .

Historic Location Immediate Service (HLIS) - A service which is used for requesting reporting of historic locations of one MS when a large number of locations are to be expected.